Monday, October 17, 2011

How I Fix My Under Eyes Circles

I get asked all the time what my secret under eye tricks are by my friends, families, acquaintances or just some random person around town. That is because I am a college student, so I do not get enough sleep. But I still maintain a fresh under eyes circles free eyes. The best tip I have for anyone that wants to get rid of their under eyes circles is to get enough sleep. Although, I know that not everyone could get at least 8 hours of sleep everyday. I know I can't, life of a college student. That is why this post will have tips and tricks that I use to help with my under eyes circles. Now if you don't know what under eyes circles are, which I doubt you will they are basically just dark blemishes around under your eyes.

Sometimes under eyes circles can be hereditary. So if your parents or one of them have under eyes circles, you are most likely to inherit it from them. But there are also many other reasons that can cause periorbital dark circles including allergies, asthma, eczema, medications, anemia, fatigue, liver problems or age. You can research more about these if you are interested. But now I'm just going to get right into how I deal with it.

1.) Apply eye cream daily morning and night, even you are wearing makeup. Apply it under the makeup.

2.) Apply a concealer under your eyes. Even better find one that are especially made for under eyes circles. I use the Garnier Skin Renew Anti-Dark Circle Eye Roller that is specifically made for under eyes circles that you can find at the drugstores. Now this product works like magic, it completely cover any under eyes circles you have. Plus, it is also really affordable. Garnier also make another one like this except it comes in a green tube it is specifically for puffiness under your eyes. Or you can use a peach, orange base, salmon or yellow concealer. Because any of these colors will counteract the bluish purple under eyes circles you have. I heard that Bobbi Brown makes a really good and so does Eve Pearl. But I haven't tried those, so if you have let us know in the comment section below how it works for you. I recommend apply the concealer or brightening concealer in a triangle shape going down your eyes. Because this will help better than you would just apply it normally under your eyes. It is suppose to lift up your eyes, which make it seems fresh and bright.

3.) Before going to bed cut out little pieces of cucumbers to fit your eyes shape and place it on your eyes with your eyes close. And just lay down on your bed or just somewhere so that it can work into your skin. I would say to leave it on for 15-30 minutes. But you can do this whenever you want. You can do it if you are bored or just laying down by the pool. Cucumbers contains natural ingredients that are suppose to help lighten the skin and cool and soothe your eyes. So it's great if your eyes are swollen or red, try the cucumbers trick. It will definitely help!

4.) Under eyes brightening cream will also help disappear your under eyes. I know that Clean & Clear makes a brightening cream called Morning Glow Eye Brightening cream that people seems to love. So you can check it out.

Also, Maybelline has a 2 ended product called Instant Age Rewind Double Face Perfector that comes in four different shades. And I know that any people that have tried this product rave about it. And I think it is pretty cheap too at the drugstore. Basically, it has one side that is a concealer that you can use on any face imperfections or under your eyes. On the other side it has a highlighting or brightening product like concealer that you can use under your eyes to help lighten it or on your cheekbone as a highlighter. So it is a really cool product. I myself too have tried it and I have gone through 2 of it. It is a good product I recommend checking out.

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