Tuesday, August 23, 2011

YouTube Beauty Gurus I Watch(What I Love About You Tag)

Today I decided to do this really fun post answering the "What I Love About You" Tag from YouTube. Since, I don't make videos on YouTube I decided to do this tag in blog post form. I would say that I really love watching the YouTube beauty community and seeing it grows each year. I guess I'll get going with the questions.

Q1. Who would you trade hair with on youtube?

Q2.Who is someone who's videos are a first watch?
AllThatGlitters21 and mollysgotmakeup13

Q3. Who has amazing style to you?

Q4.A favorite guru who lives in a different country than you?
MisfitMassacreMakeup (she lives in Canada)

Q5.Who is someone you feel like you can rely on?
I really don't know have an actual answer for this question, since I don't know any of the gurus I watch in real life.

Q6.Who do you think has great confidence?

Q7.If you could be best friends with someone on youtube, who would it be?

Q8.Who has the cutest username?

Q9. Who is the most down to earth?
averunks and freetobebeautiful18

Q10.Who would you love to go shopping with?
Makeup- flowerbomb31
Fashion- Starbucksfrappachino
Nails- sayanythingbr00ke

Q11.Who is someone you have watched from "the begining"
Juicystar07 (she was the first ever youtube beauty guru i watch from my sister)

Q12. Who do you relate to/is most similar to you?

Q13.Who has the prettiest smile?

Q14.Who has the prettiest room?

Q15.Who would you want as a "big sister"?

Q16.Who do you always learn something from?

Q17.Who makes the most creative videos?

I know that some of the questions have repeated gurus as answers, but it is just my honest opinion. I will be doing more tags that is from the YouTube beauty community, I think that they are just really fun to do.

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